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WAKE UP! with Joni

Dec 24, 2018



 " are you and that's the one thing no one can take away. You are your own super power. Who cares if the frickin' meat suit you have for this dimension isn't exactly how you would like it according to society?"

Alexis is the girl next door, yet sometimes controversial. She is young, smart and is building a...

Dec 19, 2018

"Death, or transformation, is the same thing. We live in a cyclical world it just moves forward and we have to learn to work with transformation so we can move to the new."

Diane's lifelong study of spirituality, mysticism and numerology provides a practical guide map for people to live their best and most fulfilled...

Dec 12, 2018

"... take some breaths when you have an idea you really feel passionately about . . . step into it . . . jump into it feet first, it can be scary but it can be exhilarating and if you really believe in something it will work . . ."

Dena is a mother and a business owner who started from nothing, in a borrowed garage, and...

Dec 3, 2018

"...everyone that we've met around the world just wants to be loved and wants to be happy."

"Most people just give that love, you know? If you come with an open heart..."

Alex & Michael share a passion for travel and have turned their excitement for life and adventure into a lifestyle. They share their love,...

Nov 20, 2018

"Life is gonna show up and it's your attitude and it's your choice..." 

Hollan Hamid is a brilliant vegan chef, mother, author, and entrepreneur who shares her recipe for living her dream with all of us. You do not have to be vegan to appreciate her loving, all inclusive views on health and happiness. By sharing her...