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WAKE UP! with Joni

Jun 30, 2023

Do you spend time planning and preparing ahead as self care? There is no greater investment than in your physical health and the health of your relationships. Put on your oxygen mask and take care of yourself first to be fully available for whatever you are putting out into the world -- be it family or business. Plan...

Jun 28, 2023

Ever wonder why people who are healthy and energetic are the way they are? It's likely they are taking care of themselves through food, drink and movement that supports that. But how and what does that mean? Today, we dive into H2O, drinking, and what I mean by eat and drink more alkaline to feel like a million bucks!

Jun 26, 2023

Join in a conversation with Shaman and Leadership Expert, John English as he explains the Medicine Wheel, what it means to be in balance and out when born under a specific direction and how to navigate life with ease.

John's Upcoming Events with Dr. Ivory Raye: 

Dreaming and Journeying, August 12,...

Jun 23, 2023

Let's talk about where, how often, and how to choose and shop well for your personal goals. What kind of food do you need and what to do about how often to eat or how. Tips for shining a light on what is true now, where you want to go and how to get there. 

Jun 21, 2023

Today's Mini focuses on how to set yourself up to win for a healthy body and life. What actionable things can you do today, to start making significant changes? Begin a new foundation that nourishes  yourself and your family. Easy, simple suggestions to begin and new way.