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WAKE UP! with Joni

Dec 31, 2020

Get some paper and pen, this is packed with life hack nuggets! Jack's 3 Step Process to stay present and not fall back into a comfort zone: "Step 1 is Stay Aware - WHAT'S SO? The 2nd step is Don't resist. Let it be . Accept it - SO WHAT? The 3rd step is Continue to Risk. Be vulnerable - NOW WHAT? If you live in Now...

Dec 25, 2020

"Beauty is the energy you wear." Allie talks about life and how she navigates relationships, life and the journey of creation and radical self acceptance. "I genuinely believe that the depth of your beauty is the depth of your internal freedom." Connecting to that inner space where creativity lives and her views on...

Oct 28, 2020

Jim is an author, journalist, poet and business coach living in Des Moines, Iowa with his wife, Sally Autry. His previous publications include books on servant leadership, gratitude, and business poetry. His latest book is called "The White Man Who Stayed, A Biography Remembered" about his cousin's fight for equality in...

Oct 21, 2020

Paige and I discuss embracing the global recalibration of 2020. Seeing this year as an opportunity to begin to further heal the shadow side of ourselves and humanity. Living in acceptance of what is and choosing what can be. We talk about creating healthy boundaries, letting go of anger, living in the moment, and...

Oct 14, 2020

In this candid conversation, Bear talks about his life's journey from age 8 to now and what has gone into the making of the man. His story is one of challenge and redemption and like many of you, overcoming the odds to find his purpose and his path. He talks about the extraordinary healing properties and the science of...